5 Surprising Benefits of Security Systems in Haines City

Security Systems

It’s a known fact that monitored security systems in Haines City can help prevent break-ins. Just having a yard sign from a reputable alarm provider can make your home less likely to be the object of a home burglary.

You’re probably also aware that a security system can help keep an eye on children and elderly parents, by alerting you when they arrive home safely and ensuring they are secure at home. However, there are several other benefits to having a monitored alarm system that you should consider.  

Some Surprising Benefits of Home Security Systems in Haines City

Today’s providers of security systems offer so many additional benefits that not only keep loved ones and property safe but add convenience and savings for busy families. Consider these five things a security system can do for you.

1. Save you money on your home insurance premium and deductible. Many home insurance providers offer a discount on their insurance premiums if the homeowner hires a security system that is professionally monitored. Studies have shown that the average premium discount for a home equipped with an alarm system is 20 percent. For less than the cost of a monthly dinner out for a family of four, you can feel safer knowing your home is protected and potentially save some money!

2. Security systems in Haines City let homeowners answer the door from anywhere. A video doorbell allows you to keep a better eye on your front door whether you are upstairs or across town. The two-way voice lets you to speak to those who stop by – even uninvited guests – and lets them know you’re aware of their presence. Knowing who’s at your door before you answer it and being able to ask a visitor to show identification from inside your home can prevent you from becoming a victim of door-to-door security scams.

3. You’ll enjoy reduced energy use, lower utility bills, and a safer, brighter homecoming. One of the easiest ways to prevent break-ins while you’re away is to remotely control lights and sounds, and make your home appear occupied. Smart lighting devices allow you to turn on or off lighting, thereby controlling your energy use and avoiding the appearance of a deserted home.

If your security system also includes a smart thermostat, you can set and adjust the temperature around your family’s unique schedule or control it via your smartphone, tablet, or laptop.

4. It provides protection for your pets during an emergency. With home security systems in Haines City, when you install monitored smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, your alarm monitoring provider can contact emergency personnel when you’re not home or are unable to call for help. Because we know you love your pets, be sure to put a decal in your windows to alert emergency personnel to be on the lookout for a beloved friend.

A full-service home security provider that offers home automationwireless securityvideo cameras, a mobile app, and alarm monitoring provides benefits far beyond detection of an intruder and protection from home break-ins.

Whether you already have home security systems in Haines City or are considering them, call our office today to discuss our programs, savings, and benefits that can save you money and provide priceless peace of mind.

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